Monday, 3 November 2014


November 2, 2014

WKRP in Cincinnati is my favourite TV show of all time and I don't know why. It's certainly not the best show of all time, or the funniest. It wasn't even the best show back when it was originally on the air!

To mark the long-awaited release of the complete series on DVD, I am starting this blog, in which I will write a review for every episode, in order, across the four seasons. Or at least, that is my intention. I've never written a blog before, and I may find writing one so terrible that I lose interest about four blogs in. But I hope not, and my hope is to blog about two episodes each week.

So, who am I to talk about this subject. Really, I'm nobody - just a white Canadian guy in his mid-forties who still makes Venus Fly Trap references in casual conversation. But I've watched and rewatch this show and have built up opinions about it over the years that I'd like to share with... someone. Opinions such as Johnny Fever being the greatest expositionary character ever on TV, or the tyranny that is the acting of Richard Sanders or that Loni Anderson was a better actor than you remember her being. I hope to touch on all these things in the postings to come.

Oh, and by the way, I was going to give this blog a cool name like "Flying Turkeys" or "Up and Down the Dial" but those names were already taken. Which leads me to believe there are either a LOT more WKRP blogs and I think there are, or someone actually has a blog about teaching turkeys how to fly.


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